Dear God, we parents humbly come to Thee,
With all our hearts to make this earnest plea:
O Father, in the name of Thy dear Son,
We ask thy blessing on each daughter, son.
Help us to set small footsteps on the way
That leads to Thee, and may they never stray.
And then, by word and deed and truth
Help us to be a guide to those in youth.
Help each one grow in body and in soul,
To be upright and clean and good---their highest goal.
Alone, we cannot do this greatest task---
Give us a wise and understanding heart;
Thy guidance, counsel, love, to us impart.
And where we fail, then in some other way
Supply their every need from day to day.
Forgive our past mistakes, and may we be
Much better parents, strengthened, Lord by Thee.
Lead us and ours by Thine almighty hand
Till, kept by Thee, before Thy throne we stand.
For this we pray: we and our family will be
At last, in heav’n, forever---all with Thee.
-----Gertrude Krenzke Ebeling
From the Scrapbook of George W. DeHoff